Tilt 40" x 17" x 8" Photograph, plywood, glazed clay
Refugee 46" x 32" x 10" photograph, barbed wire, sliver cup, plywood and terra cotta clay
Life line 46" x 32" x 10" Photographs, terra clay, plywood
Surender 34" x 36" x 6" Photograph, plywood, silk, terra cotta clay
Island 24" x 70" x 8" Photograph, plywood, glazed clay
New World#1 23" x 64" x 8" Photograph, plywood, army blanket, cloth, terra cotta clay
Facing the Future 32" x 64" X 8" Photograph, plywood, glazed clay, sliver handle terra cotta clay
Island 24" x 70" x 8" Photograph, plywood, glazed clay
Yonder 24" x 64" x 8" Photograph, plywood, glass eyes, glazed clay
New World#2 32" x 64" x 8" Photograph, plywood, slik, glazed clay
Mustang 24" x 64" x 8" Photograph, oil enamel paint on wood, found object, glazed clay
Witness 34" x 36" x 8" Photograph, plywood, glass eyes, sliver handle terra cotta clay
Pilgram 36" x 44" x 8" Photograph, plywood, terra cotta clay
Prizefighter 46" x 32" x 6" Photograph, goldleaf, terra cotta clay
Refugee 46" x 32" x 10" Photograph, barbed wire, sliver cup, plywood and terra cotta clay
Waiting 23" x 60" x 6" Photograph, plywood, terra cotta clay
This series titled “On Land-On Water” pays homage to those Location’s where water meets land or in more symbolic terms, where the known meets the unknownContinue reading...